Call of Duty: Ghosts (2013 Video Game)
not the worst Call Of Duty out there
21 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Whilst the Series hit a low point with this entry it actually started the decline with the next entry in the series.

Whilst every Call of duty released since this game has used an advanced movement system this one retained the Boots to ground and whilst many people criticize it for being a boring game, if you play it with friends and add in some competition you can get numerous hours of fun from the multiplayer.

The campaign is considered Lack luster for its poor story and one that doesn't make any sense, when if you pay attention you can see a well crafted story with the opening level that features what appears to be a measly missile launcher in space, is in fact much more horrifying as it is much worse than that, the Campaign shows a military family growing up in an destroyed America, and having heard stories about an elite squad known as Ghosts, and learning that the one targeting them is a former presumed dead member of the ghosts.

with a campaign featuring realistic and believable settings such as a space station and underwater, it is just as believable as the Modern Warfare trilogy and considering the later Call Of Duty games that counts for a lot.

The Multiplayer experimented with a few things but unlike later games didn't destroy the core game, with new features being game modes slightly changeable maps and a new weapon class, it didn't break anything and its balanced, some of the core game Maps were a bit of a let down with some being so big that you couldn't find anyone for most of the game, and others being so small that it would be unfair if you spawned on one side of the map.

The New game mode entirely was Extinction, whilst often labeled as a poor and shoddy rip off of Zombies, it is the furthest thing from it, the only similarity is there are weapons around the map you can buy, but unlike zombies you cannot repurchases the ammo from the weapon, with a more objective based game play than Zombies had at the time, Extinction relays on teamwork and cooperation by each of the people playing it, and choosing the right load-out can make all the difference, with a later introduced Teeth System that allowed the player to have upgrades to there profile, whilst it made the game easier, at the same time the DLC maps become tougher and more difficult, and with the Extinction Campaign having a story that was enjoyable to guess at what was coming next it was a Great Alternative to Zombies despite what people say and is the main highlight of the Game.

The Game was the second to feature a Micro DLC system but unlike later games it doesn't break it and it is Purely Aesthetic and is mainly skins for your multiplayer character which included some Legends from previous games such as Captain John Price, Captain John "Soap" Mctavish to name a few, and some from the campaign Of ghosts it makes for a fun experience, the only problem is you can end up in a game against a team of Captain Prices, but it just adds to the fun of the Game.

Overall the Game is fun if you play with friends and if you take the game with a pinch of salt, and buy the DLC if you want the Full Extinction experience, I'm not saying its the best game in the franchise but its far from the worst.
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