Popular: We Are Family (2000)
Season 1, Episode 20
junk junk junk junk junk but with two great lead actresses but unfortunately junk
20 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Junk, junk, junk. Junk every now and again in- between loads of other junk interrupted by drivel. Weak, flimsy excuse for Ryan Murphy to work with Delta Burke (whyyyyyy....????) and Erik Estrada. The story-line is pure clap-trap. When I bought my DVDs, I had expected something like a more upbeat BEVERLY HILLS 90210 and instead got this mess, this laughable unfunny piece of garbage... Okay, I am getting too far carried away now. The two lead actresses are just wonderful. That is, however, the real reason why I so get my dander up for this series. They had the potential for something truly great here, but succumbed to churning out a real goofball of a show. This episode, hell dudes, the mohawk thing, like yuck, who wants to watch such utter junk? Besides Duncecap Dan sitting way in the back row over there? Of course Duncecap Dan goes chortle- chortle-chortle at the sight of semi-bald girls who look like they're sporting roadkill on their fleshy craniums, but do we wish to associate with such unworthy tastes? Yeah, Nicole, give them their wigs, they're scaring little children, shucks, they're scaring me too! Then, of course, Delta Burke is a sight not welcomed on my screen. The Raven subscribes to the Al Bundy school of thought. See my review for the previous episode. I am still not at liberty to repeat what my hero from MARRIED WITH CHILDREN would have said, 'cause IMDb is a politically-correct site, and I would be stepping on big toes. Dammit, the woman can't even act, so whyyyyyyy....???

Of course, there is Leslie Bibb and Carly Pope. Smouldering close-ups galore for Carly, who has, amazingly, begun to surpass her "rival" in the glamour stakes from my point of view of keeping score. Carly is, as I have said before, miscast. She is definitely not the kind of girl who'd remotely be an outsider. Also, her character, Sam MacPherson, isn't even written remotely as an outsider, yet that is in the theme. Serious example of just exactly what big a confused mess this undisciplined show is.

But I grudgingly give it the 6, for I am certainly not going to vote too highly against the show I just watched paying special attention to the mesmerizing beauty of Carly and Leslie. Those eyes!

But the story is a farce.

As for the reference to WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE, I caught on immediately, even though I had only done research on that one. Further proof that the two leads are seriously brilliant. And wasting their time playing in a show that just cannot be taken seriously, because only dopey dunce-heads go hyuk-hyuk at the sight of it.

Ryan Murphy knows how to start a good thing, and then snuff it instantly. Never mind his fan-base of legions of dopey dunce-heads.
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