Review of Urge

Urge (2016)
has potential as a very quirky, unintentional comedy . . .
17 January 2017
An interesting attempt at a concept piece, but never quite assembles into a viable production.

Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this production is that Pierce Brosnan actually signed on to this project

Maybe he was already taking an analog of the drug "urge" out there in the real world and thought this project was a good idea . . . OK, just kidding (well, sort of).

Seriously, though, I can't help but leave this viewing experience feeling as if 90 minutes has been sucked out my life, with essentially no redeeming qualities to justify this sacrifice of time.

Theoretically, this was supposed to be a sort of great philosophical voyage enabled by following the various characters' descent into darkness, the "monsters of the id" syndrome magnified by an evil drug concocted by the ethereal villain (Pierce Brosnan's character) in this clumsily woven together story.

The result, however, is not a vast panorama of epiphany, but rather a very quirky, unintentional comedy . . . somewhat like a psychedelic modern day equivalent of "Plan 9 From Outer Space".

No doubt this will devolve into something of a cult classic among a select few, but for me at least, anything above zero stars would be deceptively misleading.

Having said that, however, for at least it's potential as an unintentional comedy, I'll grant 2 stars . . . tentatively
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