Uneven film but an entertaining one
16 January 2017
With so much talent, while definitely worth watching, 'Four Jills in a Jeep' could have been great. Instead, to me, it was more decent but uneven, and while most of the cast fare well and there are many entertaining bits a couple are not used well.

It is easy to see why some may dislike 'Four Jills in a Jeep'. The story isn't much of one and is more an excuse to string along the acts together. The dialogue is forgettable at best and often stilted and on the wrong side of silly. While singing beautifully (of course), Dick Haymes is somewhat dull with his performance betraying acting inexperience and Kay Francis is rather wasted.

However, Carole Landis epitomises class and glamour and Martha Raye brings a lot of manic energy to her performance here. Practically forgotten Mitzi Mayfair is a vivaciously cute presence and does a great job in the dance department.

Supporting them more than ably are a dynamite Carmen Miranda (living up to her nickname "The Brazilian Bombshell"), a heartfelt Alice Faye (her rendition of "You'll Never Know" is more than likely to induce tears in the eyes and even rolling down the cheeks), an amusing Phil Silvers (in a hilarious scene involving an audience heckler) and charming Betty Grable even if she has been much better elsewhere. Jimmy Dorsey provides invaluable support too, and the Jitterbug sequence is a delight.

Production values are very nicely done, black and white is crisp and the photography is pleasing enough. Some songs are more memorable than others but most are a very pleasant listen, though "You'll Never Know" comes closest to being a classic, and cleverly and dynamically choreographed.

On the whole, uneven but entertaining. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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