"Boy you could use a map? Ah ha ha ha ha."
14 January 2017
That quote right there, that quote easily tells you right there that Felix The Cat is a downright insane person that would look fine at a local Asylum.

Come to think of it, so does this film too. It constantly strangles itself like a crappy Poundland Bart Simpson knockoff and shoves so much weird and trippy imagery down our eyelids and our throats that there is literally, and I mean LITERALLY, no room to breathe for an actual story.

Or actual characters too.

Felix The Cat: The Movie is an 82 minute hellhole, hold on, what am I even saying lads, this is not a film, this is an exercise in constant unbearableness. An exercise even someone like Winnie The Pooh would give up after 4 seconds.

I, one of the few poor unfortunate souls (Disney reverencing aside) actually had this sucker on DVD. And even as a young lad I thought, watching Superman watching The Three Stooges watching Laurel and Hardy watching paint dry would have been more enjoyable than this.

Literally right at the start, the film throws you out of your comfy sofa with noise. "Oh the noise! Noise! Noise!" The Grinch basically summed the film up there.

The film never once SHUTS UP, once one character's talked, then another talks and random sound effects are put here and there. It's as if everyone part of the production thought "Oh no! The film's gonna be crap if it's quiet! Oh my! The kiddie winks will get bored if we don't give em noise!" and they ran around the studio shouting and yelling and thought "Yeah, that would make a good film."

No, it didn't lads. No, it bladdy well didn't.

Also I think this must be the first animated film where you'll want everyone dead within under 4 seconds...

The incredibly irritating and rather psychopathic Felix who could make even Hannibal Lecter cry in his sleep.

The two random guys who want his bag.

The unbelievably retarded princess who actually withdrew her army at the start despite the fact she KNOWS she needed them. (What a dumbarse.)

There is literally not one single human being or animal to root for here, you'll want to literally blow up the dreaded place.

Oh yes and what about the abysmal animation that looks rushed, unfinished and probably has tons of errors?

To those saying it looks like a Saturday morning cartoon, trust me, it wouldn't even look good as a Saturday morning cartoon. Even those choppy 70's cartoons look better than this.

Voice acting is unbelievably grating. I actually came out with a massive headache shortly afterwards. (I'll take all those bad things I said about you back Scaredy Squirrel, you ain't as grating as these miserable lot here.) There's not even a famous person(unless you count Alice Playten from Ridley Scott's Legend and the Disney version of Doug). Not to mention it hardly even matches the chuffin lip synch and in some parts it's so bloody loud you can't even understand what they're saying. Christ el mundo, was all this sound editing done by a one year old? Even then they would have done better.

Felix The Cat: The Movie is an unbearable psychedelic trip that not only hurts the eyes but blows up the ears as if it's some crappy Michael Bay film. Even as a drug it still wouldn't be fun in the slightest.

Everything grates on your nerves within 1 second and it completely spits on the legacy of this beloved character.

Easily one of the worst animated films ever made and a horrible experience I never want to revisit again.

Now run away children, run as fast as you can and never look back at this damn thing.

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