The Harrow (2016)
An OK movie for a rainy day.
15 January 2017
A reclusive man gets a visitor who turns out to be the daughter of a woman from his past. The woman was the wife of the man he worked for and after trying to seduce her she gave in quickly and they had an affair. The film is mostly flashbacks of the affair, the memories being triggered by the visits of the daughter who resembles her mother. Just as I was beginning to think it was an OK'ish film but slightly slow and boring, it takes a twist at the end which I didn't see coming. However that last 15 minutes didn't make up for the previous 80 which were unexciting. Overall it's an OK film for a rainy day but don't expect anything earth shattering.

The direction isn't bad at all and overall it's a slick production apart from the parts where the photographer clearly hand-held and wasn't very steady at it.
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