Review of The Heat

The Heat (I) (2013)
A fun buddy movie with two female law enforcement officers
16 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Sarah Ashburn is a by-the-book FBI agent who is keen for promotion; unfortunately her colleagues find her arrogant. Shannon Mullins is a foul mouthed Boston cop who is happy to beat a confession of a suspect and scares her colleagues even more than the criminals. They make unlikely partners but when Ashburn is sent to Boston it identify and arrest drug lord 'Mr. Larkin' they are forced to work together. At first they don't get along but inevitably they end up a fine team as they move closer to Larkin; go through various dangers and learn more about each other.

There are lots of buddy movies featuring mismatched male cops but I think this first distaff take on the genre I've seen. The story is fairly typical of the genre but there is still a bit of a twist concerning Larkin's identity. Sometimes this type of film is mostly action with a few comedy moments and other times the comedy is the main selling point… this is definitely in the latter camp. Melissa McCarthy provides most of the laughs as Mullin, although some viewers will be put off by the character's constant foul language. Sandra Bullock also does a fine job as Ashburn even though that means playing the straight-guy most of the time. The two develop a fine chemistry as the film progresses. There is a decent amount of action and one particularly wince inducing moment when Ashburn gets stabbed in the leg. Overall I'd recommend this to anybody wanting a good laugh so long as they aren't easily offended.
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