Trackdown: The End of the World (1958)
Season 1, Episode 30
Timeless tale on how we all get Trumped
15 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
You could have sworn this episode was a hoax, made in 2016 to look like it was made in 1958- but there was already an IMDb review from 2011. I saw The End of the World existed on Snopes, and it's available to see on YouTube. It's drawn a lot of attention as a classic example of life-imitates-art; a man named Trump rides into town, is initially accused of selling snake oil, threatens to sue a dissenter, and then claims to be the only one who can solve a problem. People swarm to support him as he promises to build "a wall."

Spooky, but "the wall" is really only mentioned once, and it's actually little parasols handed out at $75 a pop. I'm not sure what year this series is supposed to be set in, but adjusting for inflation, you can be sure that was a heavy investment a century ago. Trump rides in on poor production values, and in a better time you would simply assume a rational people would run him out as quickly as he appeared. But don't be so arrogant. There's a reason why this episode attracted a positive IMDb review before 2016- just look at those tacky looking UFO cults that have inspired mass suicides. Or those cheap YouTube videos that had people shaking that Obama was the anti-Christ in 2008. People are gullible, making this episode's message, a Big Lie turns grown men into children, timeless, transcending beyond merely 1958 and 2016.
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