Game of Thrones: Book of the Stranger (2016)
Season 6, Episode 4
Family reunions
14 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As this episode opens Jon Snow is planning to leave Castle Black but before he does there is a surprise arrival; Sansa, along with Brienne of Tarth and Pod, comes through the gates and after a reunion with her brother tells him that he must prepare to lead an army to retake Winterfell from Ramsay Bolton; he initially less than keen but when, later in the episode, he receives a letter from Ramsay stating that he now has Rickon and demands Sansa's return he agrees that he must march south on Winterfell with a Wildling army. Back in King's Landing Queen Margaery talks to High Sparrow before being allowed to see her brother again. Elsewhere in the capital Cersei persuades Olenna Tyrell that her forces should move to King's Landing to free her children and destroy High Sparrow and his acolytes. A third family reunion takes place in Pike; here Theon is reunited with his sister and promises to serve her. Across the Narrow Sea Tyrion makes a deal with the slavers and Jorah and Daario sneak into Vaes Dothrak hoping to free Daenerys; she has a far more radical plan though.

This was a top notch episode; it opened brilliantly; I was sure Sansa's travel north would be dragged out for quite a while longer but no. Her speech to her half-brother showed just how much this character has developed over the series; Sophie Turner was really good in the role. It continues well with plenty of hints at battles to come; Jon's to retake Winterfell; another to bring down the High Sparrow and possibly Yara Greyjoy struggle to become the ruler of the Iron Islands. We also get the welcome return of Lord Petyr Baelish for the first time this season; as manipulative and ambiguous as ever. All of this serves as a mere appetiser to the episodes fiery conclusion where Daenerys confronts the assembles Khals and destroys them in her own inimitable style; possibly this season's best moment so far… certainly its most spectacular. On a more downbeat note the episode sees the death of a secondary character who has been around since the first season… at least she got to die in an impressive scene as she tried, unsuccessfully, to kill Ramsey Bolton. Overall I think this was this season's best episode to date.
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