The Expanse: Dulcinea (2015)
Season 1, Episode 1
Out in Ceres...
13 January 2017
"Dulcinea", the first episode of "The Expanse", does a good job in introducing the characters and story-lines of the show, while keeping things simple.

Humanity has left Earth, conquered Mars and also 'colonized' Ceres, which has been left hollow as humanity has been using its water. The episode centers on introducing the characters. First we have Julie, who we get to know in a little bit a dire situation. Second, Thomas Jane's Joe Miller, who gets the job of finding her, as she has gone missing. There is also Jim, who works at the Canterbury, a ship getting water in space. And last, but not least Chrisjen, who lives on Earth and is trying to find some information about Mars, a war between the two planets seemingly on the horizon.

The episode centers basically in introducing how life is on the Ceres station, on the effects it has had on humans there, and on getting the viewer acquainted with Jim and Joe (yes, two white men), and their different personalities, stories, etc. There is a lot of exposition, but we get to see it through the eyes of newbie Dimitri (in the case of the station at Ceres), so they have an excuse to explain things to the viewer.

They do an acceptable job. The pace is good (even with the constant changes between locations), the effects not bad, and the atmosphere of the show is quite good. The mysteries seem interesting, and the acting, with Jane at his most sleazy, charming, accompanies. "Dulcinea" is a good introduction.
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