Review of Star

Star (2016–2019)
Too Much Attitude
12 January 2017
The first episode of this show was pretty interesting. It's not really a new story line for a show but it's refreshing on bringing different races and sexualities together. However, by the third episode, the cringe started to really set in.

In this show, they don't really tell you how old the girls are. I guessed Star is to be going on 18 since she said to the social worker that she is almost legal to get her sister. So, I'm assuming Simone and Alexandra are 17. Simone my be able to pass as 17 but Alexandra and Star come across 20 plus, especially Star. They should have made them roommates in an apartment in their 20's trying to make it big. Ages 21-25, those ages are still young. Star is seducing people much older than her and club hopping at 17?

Star, Alexandra, and Simone all have this rebellious attitude. It's either against each other or others. Anyone who talks to them in this show they have to respond with attitude. It seems like it's in every episode thus far. They can relax sometimes. Carlotta, everyone in the salon, Alexandra's mom and dad have attitude too. It's too much attitude.

There are some things in this show that are cringy and corny. Like, some of the musical scenes and some of the things that are said in scenes. All in all the first episode was decent but it's going downhill from there for me. I don't want to elaborate too much because I don't want to spoil it for those who are interested in watching it.
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