Hooten & the Lady (2016–2017)
Just doesn't work!
10 January 2017
Plots are so wildly stupid and unbelievable that it's hard to engage with the rest of the show. Has a Scooby Doo type logic, so any attempt at reinforcing the terrible and totally idiotic plot lines with decent acting, characters or dialogue fails. Has the odd funny comic line and it looks good, otherwise only for those who can disengage their powers of reason while watching it. I found it almost impossible to like the main characters or care about them, as they were just white noise over the childlike story line. The show drafts in some quality actors for various episodes, but sadly they fail to shine against the awful plot backdrop. There was obviously the potential to produce a quality action comedy show with the budgets which must have been made available for this, but sadly it's a poor attempt.
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