Make it more about the science and/or shorten the run time.
10 January 2017
To start off, there's great potential in this series, I hope it keeps going and growing , and that the show runners listen in on what people want to see improved. Of course, it's also great to see the gang back together in this new "Mythbusters 2.0", although it's less myths, and more comparison of the best stories that fit the theme of the episode.

The story telling and comparison concept is also one of the major problems that I have with the show. Instead of the way it is now where the majority of the program is story telling and skits, and the minority is science and experimentation, I would like to see this be the other way around. It's the talents and creativity of the trio that I'm most interested in seeing be put to good use like when Grant built his octocopter, even if it means cutting it down to 1 story per person, and/or shortening episode length.

Maybe it's because of the concept of the show, but every episode seems to drag on for too long. If the show were to remain the same, I think it would greatly benefit from a 30-35 minute run time per episode, instead of the current 45 minute one. Remember, it's about quality, not quantity.

Again, I do hope that Netflix reads what I and others have said, and implements these suggestions in one way or another, because they could take the show from being just alright, to being great.

A benefit of the doubt, 7/10.
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