Was This Directed By Alan Patridge ?
3 January 2017
One of the funniest pieces of television ever produced was the episode of I'M ALAN PARTRIDGE where the title character is networking with a couple of Irish TV producers and Patridge is convinced they're members of the IRA because that's what Ireland is famous for along with every stereotype of the Emerald Isle . Watching BETWEEN THE CANALS one gets the impression it was directed by Alan Partridge

Should I be honest or should I be politically correct ? Well I am the sort of guy who says things like "I didn't recognise you with your clothes on" to a female colleague at work only to find her boyfriend is sitting just outside of earshot in her car so I'll just revert to type You see this is very small budget film making and is no doubt a labour of love and I don't want to hurt anyones feelings so if you worked on this film and don't like honesty then stop reading at this point please

From the opening titles every cliché is dug up quicker than an Irish potato field . Michael Collins , black and tans , slums etc etc appear in a photo montage and that gives a hint we're going to be watching the oxymoron of "stereotypical realism" . Stereotypical in that all Dubliners are likable rascals who enjoy a drink interspersed with the occasional gangland murder and realism in that the acting style is mainly down to adlibbing by people who couldn't act their way out of a wet paper bag . This technique never really works and is a distraction . Somewhat fortunate then that there's little in the way of substance to distract this audience member from what's happening on screen . The story is very weak and with the exception of the F and C words I couldn't make out a word that was being spoken

Apologies if I've hurt any feelings with my brutal honesty but if it's any consolation I look forward to a sequel which will no doubt be called MONKEY TENNIS
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