Other People (I) (2016)
Great Little Gem I found on The Netflix
3 January 2017
I very much enjoyed this film and didn't see a preview beforehand, so I didn't know what to expect. I watched it because it had Molly Shannon in it, and she's just a peach. Upon watching this.. I'm like, "OK, we got a gay character....OK, another gay character... Oh, no we are in a gay bar making jokes." So that was a pleasant surprise there. Also, this movie isn't "hilarious" as I saw on advertisements and such. This movie has its funny moments, but it's camouflaged over top of very touching emotional issues and Molly Shannon's character, whom is a dying of cancer. So, "hilarious" is too much of a word to say considering I was crying with little hints of chuckling here and there. This movie deserves better ratings, but people suck.. So, I can't expect more than the rating it has. Also, I'd like to say that Jesse Plemons did a GREAT job in his role. I forgot that he was in other movies to be honest, because he was so believable as this gay character... And I hadn't paid that much attention to his work before this. :/ I do remember him in Battleship upon seeing he was in that like 10 minutes ago, and remember thinking he was a little cutie. He has a Matt Damon thing about him going on. I guess his character in this film reminded me of myself, very much so.. And I just wanted to give him a big hug. But enough about me.. Just watch it if you want to watch something touching and you feel compassion for families dealing with losing someone.
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