When you wish upon an Irish star...
27 December 2016
This is better than most of your Christmas films, which seem to bog themselves down in sentimentality and Christmas Spirit. This isn't a bad thing since that's what Christmas is about. However, when you get a film like this which is set in more realistic situations it's a nice break from the over cheeriness of the usual Chrimbo fodder.

What also make this a movie worth watching is the acting, which, by and far, is superb. They actors did a great job and must have taken more than a few notes from the cameo "Stars" in the film, as this was the intended purpose of the Television Festival for Young People.

That said, the film could've done with a bit better script and direction, there were times when my attention would stray, and the acting wasn't enough to keep me glued to the gogglebox.

I recommend this film to all and we need more Christmas films like this - and more films helping young actors to come forward.
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