26 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I loved Telltale Games The Walking Dead season 1. It had a great story with interesting characters and you cared when someone from your group died. The ending of the game is still great to me, where Lee is dying and he gives one last bit of advice to young Clementine before she has to choose to put Lee out of his misery or leave him to turn into a Walker.

Season 2 was great as well, but lacked the punch of the first season. Great to see an older Clementine who you are put in control of. Where that season lacked was that from the introduction of the new group she becomes a part of, they all make you hate them from the get-go, so when they start dying you're almost glad to see them go just because of how they treated Clementine (an 11 year old girl) in Episode 1. There were multiple endings and we had to wait 2 years for a new season.

We finally got that season and the characters we came to know and love are killed in flashbacks or in Clementine's case demoted to bit character, taking a back seat to Javier, who is essentially Luke from season 2 except with actual relatives to watch out for. This season you play as Javier, and Clementine is just kind of there. You have to sit through flashbacks of Javier's family from the very beginning of the outbreak, and after 2 games of playing in a world where the zombie apocalypse has been going on for quite some time, it's almost insulting to have to sit through stuff from the beginning of the outbreak.

They do their best to make you care about Javier and his sister-in- law/love interest and his nephew and niece, but I can't help not caring at all because I'm so angry that the main character of the past 2 seasons is now just a supporting character who as of episode 2 is painted as this untrustworthy person that you end up handing off to the bad guys of the season.

I'm sure the season will probably pick up starting in episode 3, but I don't think I care enough to play anymore.

Waiting 2 years to see what happens next just for them to say, "you know what, who wants to really follow Clementine?" just makes me lose interest.

And Kenny, the fact that they just killed him in a flashback, or Jane depending on your choices in season 2 just irked me so bad. Kenny's supposed death in season 1 had a good sending off feel to it, where it looks like he died to keep Ben from suffering in his final moments, which was a redemption of his character after wanting Ben dead for causing Kenny's family to get killed. Finding him alive in well in season 2 was nice, and it gave Clementine someone familiar to be around as she continued to grow and live in a world where the life she knew was a thing of the past. Kenny deserved a better death than just being eaten by walkers after a car accident. He deserved something more. And the way they killed Jane off if she is who you ended up with? Complete cop out considering how she was as a person in season 2. Sheer laziness. It's like they wanted to brush off the past characters as fast as possible so they could put all focus on Javier.

And the game suffers for it.
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