Acceptable ghostly fare with an unusual storyline
24 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The third in the series of South Korean ghost stories set in girls' boarding schools, WISHING STAIRS follows on chronologically from WHISPERING CORRIDORS and MEMENTO MORI although there the continuity ends. This one is completely different in scope from MEMENTO MORI, featuring a traditional Asian female ghost: white face, long dark hair, popping up in all manner of unlikely situations. One of the main draws for me is that this film's set in a special art school, where the students are all involved in artistic pursuits: sculpture, music, and, most predominantly, ballet.

Once again a love story takes centre stage, and before long tragedy takes over. The central conceit in this film is the titular flight of stone steps which sometimes grants those who climb it their wish; you can guess the results. The spectral shenanigans that ensue are highly clichéd and not particularly shuddersome, although there are a few choice moments to be found here and there for genre connoisseurs. The character of the overweight student who comes to rely on the stairs to fulfil her wishes is extremely creepy and An Jo does well in a difficult role. Okay, some moments veer into over-the-top territory, but for the most part this acceptable ghost fare.
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