What Those New Wave Italians Did Right
18 December 2016
Six separate episodes: would-be suicides discuss their despair. A provincial dance hall. An investigative reporter posing as a husband-to-be. A young unwed mother. Girl-watching techniques of Italian men. A glimpse into prostitution.

The anthology film is hard to do, especially with a multitude of directors, each with their own style. But it seems to be something the Italians did well, which makes great sense in retrospect. Though they could not have predicted DVD in 1953, they might have known that a bigger name (Fellini) would draw audiences and expose them to others.

Is this New Wave, or is it neo-realist? I feel like it's on the cusp. Being post-war and using many real people as actors, it tends to have that realist quality. But, there are enough quirks (such as the cartoon soundtrack of the final chapter) to make it a big more New Wave. I don't know.
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