Dicte (2013–2016)
Like the show. Don't like Dicte.
12 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching the show mostly to get a glimpse into Denmark. I'm sure their TV programs aren't exactly like real life the same way as American shows. However, the scenery and language and social ways can be observed and enjoyed.

Over time I have grown to dislike Dicte herself more and more. She lies constantly. Being a reporter, one would expect her to be somewhat pushy, but she fearlessly barges through life like a bull in a china shop, not caring what or who she hurts along the way. She showed how far she can go when, after being warned by Wagner (in season 3) to not act on her emotions and interfere with the negotiations, she did just that and caused great harm (I won't spill all the beans). Now one of the best characters is gone. And now I really despise the Dicte character.

Someone pointed out to me that Netflix likes shows where there are no good guys, where even the supposedly "good" ones have their dark sides. This show epitomizes that. I will probably watch the next episode to see what Dicte does next, but I'm not hopeful that I'll find it worth watching anymore after that.
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