Happy Birthday (VI) (2016)
It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's a Hooker from Mexico!
12 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I rather enjoyed this movie contrary to expectations, because I don't really "enjoy" movies where holidays go wrong and human trafficking is involved. However, I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't predicted the first twist right as it happens, and the second twist at the same time.

The fatal flaw in delivering the second twist is the line, "it wasn't supposed to be loaded". And to be fair their shenanigans at the border aren't too convincing either.

But apart from that I have to say kudos to the movie for poking fun at American paranoia about travelling abroad. The ending is kind of sweet, now that the 'actors' aren't playing their 'roles', they seem pretty normal, likable people and you don't feel cheated out of cheap death scenes.
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