Frontier (2016–2018)
Rough Fur Trade Adventure
12 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start by saying it's ridiculous to compare this to Game of Thrones. Like comparing apples and oranges.

This series is loosely based on the Canadian Fur Trade with a dash of historical data thrown in for good measure.

The plot circles around the fur trade, the sinister colonists who exploit and pillage, the anti-hero out for revenge and all the players in between.

Frontier delivers enough tension, action and believability to keep me interested in plot and character developments.

Plus, I enjoy seeing strong female roles which Frontier also delivers. The women of Frontier are capable and intelligent; a nice switch from the typical polarized female archetypes we often see in fantasy series.

And YES it is a fantasy series, just not the type with elves, dragons or dwarfs.

The authenticity of accents can get a bit wobbly from time to time but not unpalatable.

But in Frontier's defence, those not familiar with French-Canadian Québécois will deem it as fake. For example, listen to the 20th Prime Minister of Canada (a Quebecois) speak here:

Is the profanity over the top? I didn't find it so. It's a rough land with rough people so the profanity is appropriate for the environment.

It's too early to tell if Frontier will develop into a great series. Yet at this point (6 episodes in), I'm thoroughly enjoying the show's progression. I hope it continues.

Judging Frontier as a historical series or another Game of Thrones does it a great disservice.

It's a unique and well presented wilderness drama that ought to be judged on it's own merits. If sitting on the fence about it, I recommend viewing at least 3 episodes. Judge for yourself whether Frontier is entertaining enough to keep watching. In my books, it is.
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