Il fantasma di Sodoma (1988 Video)
Who Makes The Nazis?
11 December 2016
Who makes the Nazis? I'll tell you who makes the Nazis.

All the Os. Lucio. Who makes the Nazis? Not-bad movie.

Who makes the Nazis? Mugging Smirk actors. Haunted house antics. All the ghosts.

Who makes the Nazis? Fulci's a long gone...long gone breed. Long gone...long gone breed.

Remember when I used make great films babe? Before I was laid low with diabetes?

Who makes the Nazis? House with Nazi spirits. Who makes the Nazis? Lost tourist in jeeps, laughing. Who makes the Nazis? This film is real weird. Real Johnson Allan, Joe. Joe is as good as gold. And all the ghosts in the Nazi hotel. The real mould.


Who needs the Nazis? Bad-ass movie? Rai-Uno, Shirley Jackson, haunted police.

Italian directors are a long gone, long gone breed, long gone, long gone breed.

Who makes the Nazis? Not bad Movie? Here's a word from Ful-ci:

"When you're out of horror, just give them real boobs. Mattei's not your enemy, Argento's your enemy. At least I don't murder bush monkeys (like Umberto Lenzi)."

Long gone, long gone breed. Who Makes the Nazis?

Di-dit-dit-dit. Dit-dit-dititititit.

So - Late eighties Italian horror time again, and the same old premise as Graveyard Disturbance, House of Lost Souls, House of Clocks, Ghosthouse etc etc. Bunch of youngsters end up in haunted house and are terrorised on a really low budget. This is a late era Fulci film too so you can throw logic right out the window.

Negatives are the crappy story, crappy pacing, lack of gore and stupid ending. Positives are Al Cliver as a coke snorting Nazi having a chug during the orgy at the start of the film! It's also got Joseph Allan Johnson in it from House of Lost Souls (love that one), Berzerker and Slumber Party Massacre. He gets to act drunk and play Russian roulette in this one, so that's a plus.

Other pluses are the avalanche of boobs in just about every scene and Fulci's bizarre take on what constitutes a horror movie that basically plagues his last six or seven films. Doctors recommend that you don't think about the plots of this, Demonia, Cat in the Brain, House of Clocks, Touch of Death and especially Sweet House of Horrors as they will cause permanent brain damage. I've watched all of these and there nothing me watched these all me wrong. You won't catch me with my trousers! This is on YouTube so you can watch it for free anyway. Not sure what the score would have been if I'd forked out cash for this.
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