Review of Redline

Redline (2009)
In my top ten animated movies
10 December 2016
Redline is an incredible movie.

The animation is absolutely gorgeous. This film is bursting with style, and the animation team behind it boasts that no CGI was used. Though the film was animated digitally, it was all drawn by hand by a real person. The visual designs are charming and wild, with a colorful cast of characters featuring humans and aliens alike.

The music has an undeniable sense of energy, often with some kind of pumping bass line designed to get you in to the movie's kinetic rhythm. It matches the on-screen chaos very well.

The story is simple: it's like other films about a crooked race driver with a heart of gold and his team's unfortunate connections to the criminal underworld, but it's presented with so much flair and irreverent personality that Redline stands out. Unfortunately, that leads to my one and only complaint: some story elements are kind of under-cooked.

Redline is so busy showing you so much that it often forgets to follow up on some of what it establishes. Certain revelations are saved until far too late in the movie (past the point where they'd make sense), and other plot threads are ignored for most of the run time only to resurface at the last second. It feels like it needed just a tad more room to breathe, as too many plot elements are touch-and-go. But that also just contributes to the movie's breakneck sense of speed as it races to the finish line.

Look at this! Look at that! Look what's over there! But also never stop moving forward.

Kind of fitting, in that context.

Redline is a guided tour through a galaxy of visual splendor, and it delivers in spades. Any given character could be the star of their own entire series, and it's a shame our stay in this wonderful universe couldn't be just a little longer.
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