Ice Pilots NWT (2009–2014)
Too much drama and not enough flying
21 November 2016
I love aviation and enjoy much of this series. Grew up around airplanes, friends & family are pilots. Most of the people in aviation where I'm from are pretty good people. I guess Joe is up North because nobody in the South will put up with him, he's gotta be the worst boss I've ever seen, no wonder all the pilots and maintenance guys leave as soon as they have enough hours. That guy should have learned by now that you can't treat people like that when the live in a cold, boring, isolated place in the middle of nowhere, if work sucks, there's no reason to stay. I like the show, but can't stand listening to all the drama, peoples personal problems, "buffalo is my family" etc... Seeing the old planes fly & get repaired is interesting. Watching Mike do nothing but cost the company money and screw around... really infuriating, especially when you see good employees busting their hump to get the business to make money, get crapped on by Joe, while his family does whatever they want. What a horrible, hostile, dysfunctional workplace. I'm surprised anyone would apply to work at Buffalo after watching this TV show! it definitely doesn't promote the company. More attention should be on the planes and waaaaay less on all the peoples problems that work there, and get Joe off camera!!! my goodness, I want to fly up there just to punch that guy every time I see him being a grouch on the show!
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