Review of Invasion!

The Flash: Invasion! (2016)
Season 3, Episode 8
Dawn of Justice
30 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Episode jumps right in and teases a future superheroes vs. superheroes fight and then it cuts to the new cool looking logo that combines all of the shows' logos as well as the music from all four shows, I really liked this intro.

The crossovers in the past have always been entertaining but this time it's on a whole new level. This year we've got four shows instead of two crossing over and a whole dozen characters that have to team-up right after just meeting each other.

This episode is a good long moment and among my favourite parts were the oh so great character interactions. Best of the bunch is Supergirl getting acquainted with Heatwave, kryptonian meets pyromaniac thief. Mick Rory is most likely here to just burn some alien meat so I get why he won't care to get to know people he probably won't see again as far as he knows. Other good interactions were between Oliver and Barry. I love how they've been in ten episodes together (Arrow/Flash episodes combined) over the course of three whole years and their friendship is one of the best in the Arrowverse and it really shows in this episode. In this episode they connected and spoke openly about their similarly tragic backstories and they also shared the role of leader which wasn't always the case in past crossovers. They make a good combination to lead the fight against the Dominators. However, things don't go as planned.

The team decides to confront the Dominators, the effects look really good on the aliens btw, but they leave Barry and Oliver back at Star Labs because future Barry says he can't be trusted and Oliver doesn't think so so he stays with Barry. So leaving out the most powerful member aside from Supergirl and their best non-meta fighter the team walk into a trap that puts them under the control of the Dominators. Fast forwarding a bit we finally get to the fight that was teased at the beginning and we see a lot of superhero action that many including me wanted to see. As I predicted the non-flying heroes attack the Green Arrow and the flying ones attack the Flash. Barry proves his worth as the Flash by utilizing his tricks (lightning throw & phasing) that I wish he'd do more often. Oliver fights Sara in a not as cool fight scene but I'll admit it's hard to do an elaborate hand-to-hand combat scene when you have to cut back and forth to a super fast special effects heavy chase scene. I think it worked out well in the end but I wish Oliver got the chance to take down either the Atom or Firestorm with some trick arrow. Anyway, there are still 84-86 minutes left of the crossover and next episode is Arrow's 100th episode so hopefully Oliver gets a cool fight scene.

Diggle was hilarious throughout the episode, as he usually is in every crossover he appears in. His lines were some of the best moments.

At first I thought the old Star Labs place looked very familiar and then I realized, it looks like the Hall of Justice building, very fitting for this Justice League type of event.

Music was fantastic this episode, the music for the Dominators was creepy and the mixing of the themes was awesome.

I watched Supergirl's episode but I think the crossover really started here and I hope it will continue to be this good, possibly even better in Invasion!s part 2 and 3.

All in all I think this was the best crossover episode so far, topping "Flash vs. Arrow" from two years ago and I hope it will only get better in parts 2 and 3!
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