Naked and Afraid XL (2015– )
You what? (Season 2)
27 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched all episodes of Naked and Afraid over the years. Some of them are really cool, and I do love survival shows in general.


Already on their way out to the bush, the South-African men said something like, why are you doing this, naked where it is very dangerous?

This sentiment has followed me through the episodes. The apathy and the constant showing of muscles, confidence and self-assured nature has me baffling for air. From what I can tell, they mainly sit around, waiting for one of them to get up and try to catch something. And then they have nothing. And then they sit around again, waiting for someone to catch something and no one does. It's an endless circle.

And then they start to get sick. So sick in fact that nearby medics has to be called for. (so, they're really not so much alone, just camping out next to the real experts)

And when they start to get sick, the embarrassment should had struck them. But they're "experts" right? So they don't get embarrassed.

But I do. I get so embarrassed that I can hardly watch. And I do want to finish what I've started, so I do keep trying... but I have to play a computer game in the same time to get my head away from the worst of the craziness.

Listen. Here they are. 13 entitles Americans. People who can afford taking some 50 days (including travel-time etc) out of their lives to go and do something adventurous. They're well fed, well clothed, fortunate and spoiled. They've never had to starve, unless they felt like it. They've never had to really fend for themselves, unless they felt like it. They never had to fight for their lives, unless they felt like it.

Lets face it. These people are sitting around, in the bush in South Africa. A country populated by not less than 12 million people living in poverty. They have no clean water, no electricity, no work, no food. This is the reality.

And there these 12 boys and girls are sitting, saying things like "they are starving" when a van some 100 meters from them, have the medical care that very few people in South Africa has, or can even dream of. Also, that van is full stocked with food, clean water, clothing and a flight back to their safety and spoiled American lives.

This season is so typical for the western world. We are entitled, we are so sure of our-self that we go camping in a world we don't understand, or even know anything about. We go places without having studied the culture, ecology, population or anything.

I am sure that not only do the South Africans helping out in this series laugh at the stupid Americans. I am sure that they also are weeping. The laughter stopped in its track, and the crying begins, for their own world and culture.

That's all.
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