Nocturama (2016)
Paris by night
25 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Nocturama is a tale, and not a fairy tale, rather a nightmare tale. We see young people from all cast, age and race preparing some bombings over Paris. Their targets are all revealing the major discomforts in french society. After the bombings, they meet and hide in a big store after the closing where they spend the night having fun with the best luxury items.

The first part made me think of Le Pont Du Nord by Jacques Rivette, with the characters crossing places and preparing the plots. Then the second part made me think of Zombie by Romero with that group surviving in a big store. What is surprising is the precision of the camera movements very close to the characters. And as they are a lot of different places, the camera is always surprisingly inventive.

Yes, there is a strong cut between the first terrorist part and the second which forgets totally the bombing story to see what happens to these young people in this luxury paradise. And from then, audiences get puzzled because expecting more fiction about terrorism, for what and for whom they are fighting for, but nothing of the sort : just a chronicle of delinquents.

Until .... Definitely underground movie, not commercial.
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