So essentially this girl had a DMT release.
19 November 2016
So, it's common that people attribute "near death" experiences to "seeing their sky daddy" because when you are near death/when you die you release dimethyltryptamine (DMT) the compound that is released in our brains when we dream. So we are able to experience a waking dream. So this girl experienced that. And they called it their neighborhood deity's fault. (Mind you, if she were in India it would be Shiva, if she were in Saudi it would be Allah, if she were in China it would be Buddha, etcetera. It's just whoever your local skydaddy is) The notion that this is "proof" of a skydaddy is freaking HORRIFIC considering what skydaddy would want a child to suffer for no reason in the first place? all so she can have a random accident and "get faith" - I mean wtf??? religious people are so freaking twisted it's beyond disturbing.
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