Low rent action thriller is clunky rather than slick
14 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A cheap, second-rate, save-the-vice-president thriller from hard-working director Brian Trenchard-Smith. This is the chap who made THE MAN FROM HONG KONG and TURKEY SHOOT back in the day but who seems to have been abandoned by the studios to make inferior-scripted products like disaster movies or this cheap action thriller. It's a pity as I've always enjoyed Trenchard-Smith's work and he really does need bigger budgets. He shot this film in Auckland standing in for Central America.

In any case, IN HER LINE OF FIRE (I saw it under the rip-off title AIR FORCE TWO) features Mariel Hemingway as a ferocious secret service agent who has to step into action when the vice president's plane crash lands onto an island occupied by mercenaries keen to catch him for ransom. The cast is populated by stereotypical characters and poor actors, but there'a wealth of action here which makes it mindlessly enjoyable in places. However, the low rent nature of the production is more than apparent and the action is often clunky rather than slick. David Keith plays in support as the vice president.
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