Forget Avengers and Dark knight, this is a real super hero movie.
12 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Like others, only reason i watched this movie is because of the lead actress and i wasn't expecting anything from the movie. But boy it surprised me. The movie revolves around a documentary film maker Song-soo jung( gianna jun), who films a man who believes that he is a superman. The plot itself seems ridiculous and one would imagine it will be the same old Korean rom-com. But when the movie was finished , tears were flowing through my eyes, i was so sad. I didn't get what i expected but something more than that. It tells us the tragic condition of the modern world where human beings lost their will to help others, we see the selfishness that resides in human beings made them incompetent to see goodness in other human being. Though the movie seems convoluted at first but after an hour it becomes interesting. we see a lead character who believes himself to be superman but now he lost his power and he is a normal human being. But still he tries to help others with his limited capacity. Though the entire movie is predictable and after watching for an hour or so you will be able to predict what will happen in the next 45 minutes and even the climax is not that hard to predict but the director skillfully turns a boring drama to a heart warming and tragic tale of a man who believes he can save the world.

Performance wise, Gianna jun was OK. It was a slightly different from her previous roles but she did a good job but it was Jung-min Hwang who steals the show. His depiction as a self proclaimed superhero is flawless. I haven't seen him in any other movie but after this i would definitely check out all his movies.

It's not like the movie is perfect and it's certainly not the best movie i have seen but it's damn good. In the first half the pacing of the movie is really slow, but the main problem with the movie is character of Gianna jun, her acting is good but her role isn't flushed out. We don't see any relation between her and the superman. May be it's because director didn't pay much attention to her role or it could happen that the role of Jung-min Hwang was so perfect that we don't care about the lousy and snobbish film maker. But even with the flaws "The man who was a Superman" is not the best but still its one of the best movie I've ever seen. And it's really sad that this movie has such a low rating. Where we see crappy superhero movie like avengers in top 250 list, this real superhero movie is crawling at the bottom with only 7.4. It's even more tragic than the ending of the movie.
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