Panama (2015)
Serbian Tale of Love Jealousy and Intrigue.
8 November 2016
Jovan is a trainee architect who acts like a middle class playboy – his best mate is obsessed with scoring with 'the ladies' and likes nothing more than to compare conquest notes with Jovan. Then Jovan meets Maja who works in a bookshop and seems interesting, demur and very attractive so they get it on and he tells her he wants, the classic, 'open relationship'.

Well soon he starts to find out there is more to Mija than meets the eye and thanks to the intrigues afforded through social media he starts to suspect that she may be not telling him everything.

Now this is actually a very good film, it is well acted and directed and the story is compelling - the suffocation that jealousy causes is very well realised and the tensions get slowly ramped up like the turning of a screw. It does seem to get a bit confused towards the end – but that may have been deliberate – to say any more is running the old plot spoiler risk. In Serbian with good sub titles this is a modern day tale that will have you thinking about social media and the new dimensions that it can bring on your love life.
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