Me Before You (2016)
A Heartfelt Romance Avoids Mediocrity
7 November 2016
One of this Summer's biggest romances "Me Before You" stars Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin as two people who come together despite having very different backgrounds. Thea Sharrock directs this film based on a book of the same name written by Jojo Moyes who also provides the screenplay. While this movie isn't a breakthrough in any way and is host to many flaws, its leading characters chemistry and sincere tone carry it past mediocrity.

The premise here is quite simple: Will Traynor (Sam Claflin) a young man with an amazing life and everything he had ever wanted is tragically injured and left as a shell of his former self. Louisa "Lou" Clark (Emilia Clarke) a young woman who has recently been fired from her job and is struggling to support her family is hired as his caregiver. This incredibly simple premise is nothing new, and does little to break the formula. Thankfully, Emilia Clark and Sam Claflin are great. They have amazing chemistry that ultimately carries this movie. Claflin's Traynor steals every scene he is in and his performance as a quadriplegic is believable while at the same time not overbearing. Clarke's Lou performs admirably, but at times she comes off as a little too odd and outlandish. Nothing bad enough to take away from the movie, yet at times distracting. Both of these actors come together to form a pair that is addicting to watch on screen and the best parts of the film are when these two actors come together to form a sincere bond.

Other characters including Lou's boyfriend (Matthew Lewis) and Traynor's caregiver (Stephen Peacocke) are quite likable and provide some great humor despite being criminally underdeveloped. Lou's Boyfriend is a lovable buffoon, yet their strained relationship felt unnecessary in the film. The caregiver provides some comic relief but fails to provide more than an unnecessary third wheel to the overall story. The relationship between Lou and her sister (Jenna Coleman) tries to be heartfelt but ends up feeling completely unnecessary. In fact, the relationship could be cut out of the movie completely and viewers would never know the difference.

The story here is incredibly cliché yet there are some surprising elements. Other than a few surprises the plot here plays out exactly like any other romance movie. However, this isn't necessarily a bad thing due to the fact that most viewers are not going to see this movie for its groundbreaking storytelling. Rather audiences will flock to it looking for a heartfelt and passionate romance film, and that is exactly what they'll get. The soundtrack of the film fits the film quite well and some big moments are only amplified by some impressive music choices. Subtle yet sometimes quirky tones and pacing in this film work fine. In most instances though, the film feels rather sincere in the way it presents its story. Though people who have seen the trailers (which unsurprisingly shows far too much of the story) can pretty much tell how the movie is going to unfold, there are some surprises waiting. The biggest surprise of the film lies within its ending, which tackles a real life issue in today's world. Amazingly "Me Before You" does a fantastic job of presenting this issue with respect, while at the same time not shoving it down audience's throats. The film does such a good job presenting this subject that viewers will have "Me Before You" fresh in their minds for a long time.

Despite running into a myriad of Romantic film clichés, "Me Before You" does an admirable job of telling its story. Claflin and Clarke's performances and chemistry are undeniably what carry this movie, despite being surrounded by weak supporting characters. The way it tackles a real world issue with grace and class are quite impressive and leave a satisfying impression. Ultimately, "Me Before You" is a simple film that achieves what it originally set out to accomplish. It is a sappy yet cliché romance that provides an interesting look at a real world problem. Score: 7/10
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