Comedy Knockout (2016–2018)
Absolute Garbage.
6 November 2016
While this program does showcase some very talented comedians, the structure of the show relies completely on ad-libbed, one-liner quips that 95% of the time fall flat. Due to the small budget, smaller, lesser known comedians fill the roster, but you quickly get to know what kind of comedian they are due to the fact that every one of their jokes follow a formula and the spectrum of comedy styles is as follows: Angry black comedian; self-deprecating white comedian; Racist joke teller; terrible comedian. Cringe permeates this 22-minute long show and the host doesn't seem to have any sense of comedy himself. He also seems to operate in one volume and tone - LOUD. There's no inflection in the way he speaks, coming off robotic or akin to a 5th grader reading off a piece of paper on his book report. TRUtv is better off canning this show and making a show about trashing this show. At least it'll be watchable.

0/10 - this show sucks.
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