Just Another Dull Spy Movie
6 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sort of sitting here at my computer scratching my head and trying to work out why I actually went out of my way to go and see this film. Okay, I'm not going to go as far as calling it rubbish (despite the fact that I gave it a rating of three, namely because I can't justify giving it any more), but the fact that I spent an hour walking to and from the cinema, twice mind you because the first time for some absolutely bizarre reason it was sold out, and it wasn't even opening night, just to see a movie of which upon watching the trailer at home on my computer I said to myself – this really doesn't look all that great – I still made the effort to go and see it.

The film is basically a spy story, and nothing all that original at that either. I guess after watching five seasons of Chuck when a spy movie hits the screen I do find it a little interesting, but then end up coming away from it somewhat dissatisfied. As for this film, as I mentioned, it really isn't all that original – new neighbours appear in the neighbourhood, nosy wife checks them out, ordinary couple get caught up in spy stuff, bad guy is confronted and beaten, and film ends – that is basically it. It's fun to watch but probably something that is more suited to sitting on the lounge at home than going out of your way to the cinema.

A couple of interesting things stood out though, one of them being Zac Galifianakis, who seemed to have started off as being the grot from The Hangover and has now come into a career of his own. In fact it seems as if he is the only person from the Hangover that has become a regular Hollywood actor. Actually, it appears that he was in two films that were released at the same time. However he has certainly moved away from the character that he was originally credited for and is now your friendly suburban Dad who may not be incredibly smart, but has his own talents. The other interesting thing is that this seems to be the movie for the middle aged people, sort of like me – kids are at camp, and they finally have some time to themselves. Actually, come to think of it Gen X's kids are finishing highschool and entering university, sort of, but the protagonists of this film are sort of my age.

In the end I'm going to say this film is okay, but not hugely fantastic, and it certainly wasn't worth going out of my way to see it at the cinemas this afternoon, though it did get me out of the house for a little while.
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