Criminal Minds: Amelia Porter (2014)
Season 10, Episode 10
Middling Season 10 episode
5 November 2016
As far as Season 10 episodes go, "Amelia Porter" is not as good as "Mr Scratch" (absolutely terrifying, one of the scariest episodes in recent years), "Nelson's Sparrow" (very poignant) and "The Forever People" (creepy and sympathetically handled, too me it didn't feel too much of the JJ show).

But it is significantly better than episodes like "If the Shoe Fits" (strange and not in a good way), "Hashtag", "The Boys of Sudworth Place" (wastes of good ideas) and "Burn" (too much Garcia and too melodramatic). If anything "Amelia Porter" is a middling episode of Season 10, not one of the best, not one of the worst either.

One of the most consistently good things about 'Criminal Minds' is the production values, which, apart from a few notable exceptions ("The Thirteenth Step"), are consistently excellent. It is very stylishly and atmospheric here, with very nicely photographed. The music is haunting without being intrusive and melancholic without being too sappy.

Loved the chemistry between Hotch and Rossi (the latter having some great lines, some of the best of the episode) and that Reid is not as underused as he has been around this point. The unsub is a suitably repellent one, chillingly but in a subtle way played by Travis Caldwell. Mary Mouser and Kasey Campbell acquit themselves well too, while the shooting of Andy gives a dark edge that was welcome here. The acting from almost all the regulars is very good indeed.

With one exception, Jennifer Love Hewitt. Kate is not an interesting character and doesn't fit within the team, just like Love Hewitt plays her with not much personality and feels out of place. While never being a fan of Hotch's relationship with Beth, which happened too quickly, Beth was dully played and was a bore of a character, it just felt that Hotch was being too offhand about the break-up which is out of character. The over-reliance on Garcia's computer is getting increasingly too convenient and increasingly improbable.

The case itself has the odd creepy moment, but is basically a re-hash of stories done before so many times. Also guessed what the outcome was going to be, and this was from the title alone. There is a lack of suspense, partly because the unsub is introduced so early and that the episode is unsub-heavy to the point of the team being underused and almost useless, and parts of the episode feel frantically paced, the ending being particularly rushed.

In conclusion, middling episode from Season 10. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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