Review of Little Wing

Little Wing (2016)
Story of a girl, who doesn't care of her mother but
30 October 2016
I hate that stereotype that women directors just make movies for women. Well... it happens in this case. I'm man and very sensual type of man and believe me, I cry almost every movie I watch but this one... This movie was so bland that I couldn't cry. I mean come on. The girl didn't react to anything in anyway. In fact, there were so little that happened to her. She learned to drive a car just in a few training sessions. She was doing great in everything she did. Her mother had panic attacks but she didn't care. She was selfish and wanted to find her father. And when the mother cried, it was comical. I mean wtf is that?

In the audience there were only older women crying and for what? "Because this is a story of a little girl who grew up and" Shut up. That's a easy way to make people feel something. It is like a jump scare in horror movies.

This movie tries to be something great but in reality, it was boring and colourless. No imagination whatsoever
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