Columbo: The Most Crucial Game (1972)
Season 2, Episode 3
Great episode, confusing ending
28 October 2016
While other reviews have given the plot by now, and I am going to agree with them. I will also say the writing and acting are top notch. The murder is a great idea, as I have always heard the perfect murder weapon is an ice sickle. This comes close as he uses s block of ice. (Since Columbo shows the murder at the beginning of the show, I don't think this is a spoiler) The interaction between Columbo and the killer are classic, Once again the killer thinks he can outsmart our hero. He does plan this one exceptionally well, leaving only a few clues to show its murder instead of an accident.I think most detectives would have ruled it an accident, and gone home. How Columbo could tell it was not an accident at first is only his intuition. I will say the few mistakes the killer makes does help point to it as murder, just not who. I will also the motive is not clear. While we can speculate, anytime you have to speculate it means the motive wasn't clear. The acting was good, and Columbo was at at his best being his usual self. I loved him looking for shoes all episode. The flaw in this episode is the ending. The show is going along great, and you expect some master reveal, and then the credits roll. I wasn't even sure what Columbo had to prove the killer did it. It's a shame such an incredible episode had that ending. Even with the bad ending, it's definitely worth watching, as it was just superb until then. So when you read reviews and see that the motive, and the ending are weak, yes they are, but it's so good please don't pass this episode up!
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