Review of Capsule

Capsule (2015)
Nothing goes logically in this movie, I wonder if the director researched anything!
31 October 2016
Nothing is logical in this movie. It starts off with a guy waking up in a little probe. I wont say anything more about it then the fact that this guy is a Astronaout sent to space by Britain and gets lost. One would assume some genius and some logic in how they take care of this right? Britain, Astronaout, Russians (helps out abit) but somehow the conversation in this movie is like 3 20 year old talking over the phone when one is lost and the other two is trying to describe the directions without a GPS present. You wouldn't guess its a Astronaout talking to the space center of one of the most sophisticated techonological countries of the time. He doesn't even know how to change two circuits and gets stressed over everything. Don't they get years of training on how to handle this stuff, stress and technological problems? They've tried out something like Gravity but failed miserably because even though the guy can act the storytelling is amazingly bad.
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