Review of Delusion

Delusion (I) (2016)
Absolute Rubbish
29 October 2016
This is one of those films the average movie watcher starts to think 5 or 10 minutes into the movie, 'This is crap...but I'll wait a little longer because the previous reviews are good so it MUST improve.' It does not. It stays crap all the way until the end.

So if you are an average movie watcher who just wants to see a good film buy yourself a bottle of wine, popcorn, crisps or whatever takes your fancy and what something else. Or, don't believe me and start to watch this then 5 or 10 minutes in you'll think back to my review and the words, 'Bloody hell he was right!' will pop into your head.

I was going to stop the movie half way through but I just had to finish it to give an honest grassroots viewpoint.
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