Review of San Junipero

Black Mirror: San Junipero (2016)
Season 3, Episode 4
Look beneath the love story!
28 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It seems like there are too many people not getting the underlying messages of the episode so I'm writing this review to help clarify why this is such a great one and that it belongs among the best of the series.

!!!Spoilers ahead!!!

First of all, Black Mirror IS NOT only about the dark/ugly side of human nature, it is primarily about the inevitable leaps in technology and the potential effects/dilemmas we will need to deal with. Most of it bad, some aren't.

The themes of this ep is life after death and religious faith. Do you go with the "sure thing" (San Jun) or hold on believing you will go to a "heaven"? Kelly struggles with this question, especially with the thought of her husband potentially waiting for her. Then there's the idea of "everlasting"; San Jun is only around as long as machine works, and then what? And how long until you get bored? I think Kelly said something like "It's only fun until it isn't." What if you get tired of it all but you can never leave?

Finally, there are the "sins" of Homosexuality and Suicide (to upload yourself you need to be euthanized). Does that count as suicide and doom you to hell?

Quandaries abound! Jinkies and zoinks! Simulation technology will eventually reach a formidable level, and we will have deal with these new "realities."

Anyway, I loved this episode. Would've been better as the finale, I think, to leave on a high note.
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