Black Mirror: San Junipero (2016)
Season 3, Episode 4
28 October 2016
I usually prefer to watch movies over shows usually due to the time commitment which is why I probably have enjoyed Black Mirror so much recently. The first two seasons definitely had its high points however some episodes for me were just bland. However now that Netflix got a hold of it for Season 3 it seems that the production quality jumped along with having more fully realized ideas in the episodes. This particular episode stood out to me in a mostly perfect season.

Everything about this episode was well thought out from the casting to the pacing and plot. If you just watched the first 10 minutes of this episode it very well seems like it comes out of the 80's. The music, clothes, and neon of the era is perfectly captured. However there is so many subtle things being planted for the viewer that what may start to feel like a slow burn is actually just them just adding many layers.

I really appreciated the way this episode was shot the cinematography deserves an award alone. I would be remiss not to mention the LBGT relationship that is the centerpiece of this episode. What at first felt kinda cliché' became something very elegant. If you're showing someone Black Mirror for the first time, an they happen not to be homophobic, I would show them this episode.. Bar none.
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