The Real Ghostbusters: The Halloween Door (1989)
Season 5, Episode 9
Average episode
28 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There are a couple of things I don't like about this episode.

1. Crowley's head that resembles Frankenstein's monster. It's just too distracting. Maybe the reason he wants to get rid of Halloween was because of all the kids said he looked like the monster.

Yeah, the plot where he tries to get rid of Halloween with a laser beam is just........ really?

It's just a little too out there. Even for The Real Ghostbusters standards.

2. The songs. Good Lord. Musical numbers in Ghostbusters? Really?

The one in the school was just embarrassing. And what, the Ghostbusters are doing magic tricks?

But the episode does have it's moments. The bit where Slimer is dressed up as Peter and Peter dressed up as Slimer, actually slimes the green turd.

Also, when Boogaloo came into the city and makes it dark and nightmaric is also good.

Overall, not bad, but it did break a couple of rules in The Real Ghostbusters universe.
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