Word Party (2016– )
Animation Style, Voice Acting and Memorability.
28 October 2016
It looks like they've used the same motion capture technique as "Foodfight!": the claimed worst animated movie of all time.

Meaning, they move like old men or like the type of English teenager who would unironically use the term "cheeky nandos", because although they were born in Birmingham they insist that they were born in Compton. This style is a little distracting and odd when the characters are all supposed to be babies.

Additionally, the voices of these characters are intolerable. I don't know if it's me but the sound of these grown adults painfully trying to put on baby voices makes me (for lack of a better word) cringe. It's very reminiscent of the voices your siblings would use to insultingly mimic you.

I know that as a viewer older than 4, I'm most likely not the target demographic, and my younger sister of 4 years does seem to enjoy the show. However, my little sister also went through a phase of spinning around until she fell over and hit her head, and she thought that was pretty fun too. So maybe children don't know what's best for themselves.

It seems like a lot of people use the fact that they're making a children's show as an excuse for bad quality. I'm not asking for a complex and detailed story arc, just half decent voice acting that isn't below the language quality of its audience, and some sort of quality control for the animation. There's little wrong with the lessons the show is trying to teach (e.g. go to sleep when your told, eat your vegetables, don't make a mess, yada yada...), but there's nothing individual about the show as goes for all Netflix children show originals.

The show might make a few pennies while it lasts because young children will always watch shows with bright colours for a short time, but as time goes on and they find something better the show will soon be forgotten and brushed under the rug. Advice to Netflix: how about you only make a new show if you have an original or interesting idea, you do call them "Netflix Originals" after all.
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