Silly Fun
26 October 2016
Our hero recreates the love potion from Midsummer Night's Dream. By amazing co-incidence, the first person each of his victim's sees after having the potion squirted in his eyes is of the same sex and age, and they fall passionately in love.

These newly created gays do not behave like ordinary gays. They have no fear of being open about their sexuality. The cannot understand when their love is not reciprocated. They are as persistent as horny dogs. They don't give up and try someone else. They are also manic blissed out of their minds.

The movie improperly conflates being gay with being a drag queen, plastering on makeup like Adam Lambert, and prancing about doing ballet steps like Ulyana Lopatkina. Nobody actually has sex, though they do kiss.

The action takes place in an all-boys school. The actors are all hunky, good dancers, good athletes and good singers. There is quite a bit of music and singing. I wish there were even more. It is haunting and beautiful.

It has a bitter-sweet ending as everyone returns to normal, with a heart- warming twist.

Every young gay male flipped for some resolutely heterosexual male and had to watch from a distance as the girls pawed over him, feeling totally left out. This movie is the fantasy cure. Warning: much of the movie does not make any sense.
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