Black Mirror: San Junipero (2016)
Season 3, Episode 4
25 October 2016
Black Mirror has been a great show from the start, for me it's main draw is the human stories it focuses on in the midst of some mind- blowing technological what-ifs. Although in other episodes Black Mirror has focused on the darker side of technology, this one focuses on how technology could connect people instead.

I loved this episode, and I seldom get emotional during shows or movies, but this one left me misty-eyed. Especially as a member of the LGBT community, this episode was so important personally, to see a future imagined for people like me is so rare that when it's well done it really changes you. "San Junipero" did that for me.

Gugu and Mackenzie have amazing chemistry; I'm a huge fan of their other work as well and they're definitely in top form in this episode. I never would've put them together because they seem so different but in San Junipero, they're made for each other. i'd watch 10 movies with these two as a couple.

I know a lot of people said it was slow but to me, the fact that they took their time with showing the dynamic between the two characters was so, so important and I know it was to a lot of other people as well. To the writers, actors, and those that made this episode possible, thank you.
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