Supergirl: Welcome to Earth (2016)
Season 2, Episode 3
Supergirl - S02E03 Welcome to Earth
24 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Like the other CW Superhero shows, I am waiting for that week that Supergirl just doesn't hit with me. After two great episodes featuring Superman, I was sure this was the week where the show gets toned down and had a slower episode. It wasn't.

This was yet another fantastic episode. Like I've previously mentioned other weeks, the villain of the week format worked well again this week because it allowed us to focus more on the surroundings rather than the story line for the episode. This episode had a bit of a bookmark on it as it was the return of Lynda Carter. Carter portrayed Wonder Women in the 70s and it was great to see yet another previous superhero in the CW universe. CW have really started of making good use of previous appearances with the Flash having numerous appearances by actors and actresses who have portrayed a superhero or villain. I thought Carter's overall role as the president was pretty good. Her character really was the driving force of the plot that played out in this episode. What makes me excited is her last scene where we can see that she clearly is an alien. This suggests to me that we are going to get much more of her this season which will be great.

I really liked the underground type bar. It's something that is logical that a group of aliens would have a place to gather and be themselves. I really liked how it revealed to us that Supergirl and Superman aren't so special in this world and there are a lot more of them then we as the audience think there is. Extending from that, we got to see Martian Manhunter enter there at the end where we got our first look at Miss Martian. I think this is really going to open us up to a good story line in the future now that Martian Manhunter now has someone to interact with similarly to how Supergirl and Superman worked together in the opening two episodes. Just keeping on the aliens, what this did for me this episode was further my belief that keeping Supergirl out of the same Earth as the other CW shows was the best thing they could do. I didn't want characters the characters like Oliver as the Green Arrow to appear as a lesser force than they slightly do now. In comparison to the heroes on the other shows, Oliver has experience that enables him to fight equally along side them. If they were to put Supergirl into the fold, then her, along with Superman and Martian Manhunter would become to big of a powerhouse. The fact that the Supergirl Earth is contained on it's own Earth allows the show to bring in more aliens and people with out of world powers and keep it in tone with what the show is.

Something I noticed this episode which I just touched on with Miss Martian was that we are starting to see our three main powerhouses in Supergirl, Martain Manhunter and Alex all have someone to bounce off. While Supergirl had Superman to begin with, I feel that Mon-El is going to take that role for the rest of the season and be Supergirl's partner. In the comics, Mon-El is viewed as a brother to Superman. This makes me think that he may take up a Superboy type role to Supergirl. As mentioned, we now have 2 children of Mars on the show. This episode also brought as a similar character to Alex with Maggie. I really liked her addition to the cast and I thought that she acted as a great foil for Alex. We haven't seen Alex have a human partner out on the field so I'm hoping that Maggie is going to play that role for Alex this season.

Overall it was a really solid episode. I liked how they were able to continue the quality and show that while Superman was a great asset, he wasn't making the show as good has it has been. I liked how we got introduced to some new characters this episode and I'm looking forward to see how they will handle them all in a team sense.

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