Supergirl: Welcome to Earth (2016)
Season 2, Episode 3
An Uneven Episode, but It's Clearly Superior to Season 1's Direction
24 October 2016
Tonight featured several comic-booky things, like the first real appearance of Mon-El (who will perhaps become Superboy down the road), Lynda Carter playing the president who's doubling as an alien supposedly, and an ending reveal of Miss Martian. And that's just the beginning of things. But it was far from a perfect episode.

In fact, tonight was probably the weakest episode this season in terms of a cohesively structured story. I mean, for the first 35 minutes it's suspected that the new super-powered being from Daxum, Mon-El, is behind the attacks on the President. Of course, one can expect a twist or two, but to then just have Scorcher appear out of nowhere to be the villain? It just didn't sit right with me. Thus, the episode feeling disappointingly uneven.

But I am admittedly having more fun this year than last. Sure, there are still way too many cheesy lines, particularly with the villains or at Catco, but it's a far more engaging show than it used to be. I think that's in large part due to the additions of interesting characters like Lena Luthor and Snapper Carr. I didn't like Snapper playing off of James as much as I liked him against Kara's optimism last week, but it's nice to see that Kara isn't getting away with everything in her first few weeks as a reporter.

I also appreciated the presence of the former Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter. I don't know how often she will return, but would have to be better than those villains of last year right? Even if it's somehow her last appearance, she definitely made an impression. Plus, how funny was that little jab at Trump by having Kara say "how did anyone even vote for that other guy?".

I even enjoyed the new character of Maggie Sawyer, who seems to be playing Alex's love interest? Maybe? Overall, it just seems like this show is handling the writing for its characters lightyears better than they did last year. It was an admittedly uneven episode, but a fun one nonetheless.

+Some fun comic stuff

+Maggie Sawyer

+Real world links and themes

-Very uneven with 'Scorcher's' random appearance

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