Supergirl: Welcome to Earth (2016)
Season 2, Episode 3
Season Two Still Proves Strong
24 October 2016
In many ways, the third episode of the CW's Supergirl was a definitive answer to the question, "How well would the show hold up without Superman?" And the answer is: really well, actually.

This episode introduced the Daxamite Mon-El, who seems to be a great addition to the cast. Chris Wood's chemistry with Melissa is a welcome presence, and he and the writers did a good job of making you care about the character (something that had been needed following the host of aliens that featured in season one that I really did not care for). Similarly, I'll say once again that Snapper Carr's addition to the show balances out Kara's optimism really well and makes for interesting discourse and food for thought in watching their interactions. The episode also ended on an exciting note with the introduction of a famed character (who I won't spoil in case rumours of her appearance haven't reached you yet).

On the other hand, the episode had some issues, mainly being a 'villain of the week' style character, but people forget that in the Flash and Arrow's early days and still even today, a villain of the week is pretty common place. The only other issue is that I'm not really sure what Lena Luthor, billionaire philanthropist, is doing talking to a member of the press to openly, but its not a biggie.

All up:

+ Mon-El


+ Lynda Carter + Maggie Sawyer

-'Villain of the week'

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