Black Mirror: The National Anthem (2011)
Season 1, Episode 1
What the hell, why the hell?
23 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A member of the Royal Family is kidnapped by terrorists and in exchange for her safe return, the PM of England is made to agree to performing a sex act act with a pig on live television. Attempts are made to find the people responsible (they fail) and an attempt is made to fool the kidnappers in a green screen CGI ruse (also a fail). So the question becomes: will he, or won't he?

The bigger question is, why the hell would anyone watch that? Why would anyone agree to that? What could possibly compel anyone to care so much about their job and approval ratings that they would do such a thing? Do this degrading act all for one lousy princess? Seriously?

I'm sorry. This was awful. I wanted to be a fan of this series, but when this is the lead-in, I just shudder to think of how bad it could possibly get. Pass.
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